Yo, I posted twice in one week!
Well I was going to post a story about how I got really trashed and ended up passed out on the floor of a Waffle House bathroom but that kind of thing is getting a little cliche around here. I downloaded a mod for Rome: Total War not too long ago and most of my free time is being taken up by that. I know I'm a little behind the power curve for R:TW modding but I really like 6.0. The changes made are great and I really like what they have done with the Seleucid and Ptolemaic Empires and the Greek/Hellenistic world in general. the Changes made to Rome are great as you no longer have it split inot Julii, Brutii and the Scipii. If you're into that kind of thing I would recommend the mod highly. It's called Rome: Total Realism, check it out if you have the game and if not shame on you.
I found out not to long ago that I will be staying at PMO as a MP unitl about August then I will go back to my old unit. I also found out that while I was at PMO my old shop got tapped to get sent to Iraq as augments for a Provisional Infantry Brigade. They told me I couldn't go back and get on that deployment because they didn;t have a trained replacment for me. It kill me, all these bitches that cry about havving to go to Iraq and there are Marines that really want to go often for the second or third time but they wont send them. Oh well, I got in on OEF I guess.
I had pics and stuff I was going to post but I'm too lazy so...thats about it I guess.
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