The Shit Can

Monday, June 13, 2005


It's nearly for in the morning and I'm drunk and have to be at work by six - my ride gets here at 5:45. Fuck that, no one cares. I'm posting because of this quote I read by a Army Lt. General. Thats three stars for all you non-military types. Here it is:

“George Bush was not elected by a majority of the voters in the United States, he was appointed by God.”
-Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin

What. The. Fuck.

I always condidered the Generals to be fairly grounded people, if not a little nuts. This dude is just fucking nuts. FUCK. I'm so sick of this shit I don't know how much longer I can take these people until I totally lose it. Fuck it. I'm off to go protect and serve.


At 4:06 AM, Blogger Topper said...

hmmm... that would sound a little pattonesque, but he's not talking about himself... Anyways, I hope you didn't get in trouble for being on the less sober side of life.


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