The Shit Can

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Jerry Springer - Europe

If you ever thought the American welfare system was bad you haven't been to Western or Central Europe, a place in the world that left-wingers love to go on and on about how great it is. "Well in (European country they have never been too) they do it like this and it's just great" blah, blah, blah. This story just kind of made me shake my head in wonder. This another painful example of the economically and culturally crippling welfare states of Europe. The US welfare system may contribute to the decay of the traditional American work ethic and rapidly disappearing sense of self respect but at least its not an financial sink-hole like in Europe, I suppose.

The whole mess of welfare and government supported unemployment just turns me stomach. It leads to a sense among people from first world countries that think their governments and the world in general owes them something. And people wonder why their jobs are being out sourced to other counties. It's too expensive to keep Americans and Europeans happy with our level of productivity.


At 4:07 AM, Blogger Topper said...

wow... from a former communist... opps, wasn't supposed to mention that right?


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