Banzai Bitches!
It seems that the Japanese are getting serious again about national defense. I knew this was only a matter of time but to be frank it's long overdue. We've been footing the bill for Japan's defense with American personel and equipment for over 60 years and this is a big step forward in fixing that. With the movement of the third Marine Expeditionary Force out of Okinawa to Guam almost a done deal I think we can expect to see US Air Force and Navy assets moving away from the mainland as well as the Japanese get serious about building their own strategic and offensive capabilities. The idea of Japan having a couple carrier groups, expeditionary forces, bombers and theater ballistic missles on call gets me all hot and bothered. Right now the Japannese spend a little over 1% of their GDP on their own defense. About 40 or 50 billion. The US spends about 3 times that amount in GDP or 20 something times that in dollors. With all the problems the new conservative goverment in Japan is having I wonder how they are going to be able to get double or tripling that number without folks losing their minds. Or even suggest the real possibility of that down the road. I bet they could get people excited if their next-gen weapons platforms had huge swords and glowings eyes. It's the new Japanese Gundam Self-Defense Force!
They are hiding it in their medical budget:
The US has some too, but ours doesn't look nearly as cool:
for a run-down see:
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