The Shit Can

Saturday, July 30, 2005


I know you never supposed to discuss things like religion and politics at places like work, the table, wakes, etc. I'm not really sure why but I just can't help myself; I fond myself always discussing these things at work. Believe me when I say that discusing politics with Marine combat vets from the South is a very...lively event.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Meet your PC Slave Master

We got a "class" from our EEO rep for training day yesterday. The EEO is the Marine Corps' Equal Opportunity Officer. Or something like that; in this case a black, female Staff Sergeant. Whoo. Understand that 95% of the females in PMO are all in the back-office stapling things and performing other vital tasks instead of being on the road.

We all got to hear how "we" discriminate against females and don't give them the same opportunities as "we" give males and how (in addition) we are all rasict, bigots with no sensitivity for "other people" whatsoever. Or something like that, I'm not really sure the point she was driving at there at the end because I was trading Jew jokes with my Corporal in the back of the class. Any-who I got really agitated by her bullshit and called her out in front of everyone and made her llook like a dumb cunt. Because that's what I do.

Females demand "equal" treatment but they live by and thrive under an institutionalized double-standard. THe same double standard that keeps them in front of a Xerox also guarentees them promotion over males on a Board and givres them a bullshit PFT which enables them to, again, get promoted faster then their male peers, as well as increasing their chances of getting personal awards and citations. Bitches.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Another Embarassment for the Left

Despite the rest of the us trying our best to legitimize progresive politics the tools over at Fox and other such neo-con step children manage to always dig up some moron to make us all look like ass. Ta-Daa! (video)

I get were he is going with this and what he's trying to say, too bad for him (and the rest of us) he's too fucking retarded to get it the fuck out. So now we all get to suck up the rage of TV nation's wrath because this dude sucks at life.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Order Arms

I'm getting of shift a few days ago and getting ready for our debrief after dropping weapons when our Staff Sergeant comes in with the good news/bad news routine. Three days later its Friday and I've spent my past two (and only) days off this week doing rifle drill and marching in 100 degree weather with enough of that Parris Island/Beaufort humidity to choke you. Today is the actual change of command ceremony so at least this is the last of it.

I did get to re-learn something all Marines should know: officers can't drill for shit. We got a prior-enlisted Captain as our platoon commander so he can drill and call a decent cadence but the others are just plain bad.

At least I got to see a Marine throw up then pass out in formation because of the heat. I have to take my kicks where I can get them these days.

My friend Karen has been raving about this game since I showed it to her and it is a pretty good waste of time for those extra stupid days.