The Shit Can

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Hey! Where did that thing in ass come from?!?!

I told you so. President Bush and his handlers are turning the Schiavo case into an abortion issue. Fucking wankers. Bush said to "honor" her memory by working to "build a culture of life." The link. Of course people being the tools that they are will just buy this crap too and not even realize what happened.

In further news I just bought a 9mm Sig Sauer 226. I like. I really like the high-cap mags that I'm going to get for it.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Who changes her Tampons?

I don't get the furor over Terry Schiavo. I mean, honestly, who gives a fuck? I understand that there is deeper rights to life and government in health care issues here (and abortion issues if you really want to be a wanker) but we all know that this is just another example of career politicians trying to cash in on a media spectacle. No one really cares about this woman, they're just fighting a battle via this vegetable that should have been turned into fertilizer years ago.

The thing that really blows my mind is the the senate got off its collective ass to come together and make a vote about this thing (which I might add is illegal). We can't get the senate to work for the American people but, shit, a chance at scoring some political points and it's a mad dash back to D.C. But as it always is in the case of representative government it's ultimately not the politicians fault, it's the people's. Stupid people.

If anyone was wondering what Topper has been doing in Australia on his exchange student program, well let's just say he's hard at work. I should have gone to college.

The Kains will be in South Carolina in about a week and I;m looking forward to getting to see them. They leave to go back home around the same time I go on leave so it works out really well. If anyone else is coming through, please drop me a line and tell me what's up, I'm really lonely and have taken to talking to myself again.

Send your Topless pictures of yourself to me at
Take it easy.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I'll Sleep when I'm dead

Well I just got off work and now I have about 3 hours worth of errands I need to run including taking my uniforms to the cleaners, stopping by TMO, getting a hair cut etc. Oh and after that I get to go to the gas chamber and after that I have to go PT and after that...well after that I go back on shift. Motherfucker.

Stay entertained with a "Guess the Sit-Com Character or Dictator" game or just Check out Leonardo di Caprio's Newest Movie! I can't wait!!!



Friday, March 18, 2005

Southern Comfort

I just finished my two days before I get the rest of the weekend off. I fucking love this part of the month! I had Monday and Tuesday off so I went to Savannah on Tuesday night and got WRECKED. Me and three other guys from my platoon (fuck your proper English) hit up a strip-club where I managed to drink about $150 worth of beer. $3 beers and and $1 tip each round...well you do the math. After that we made our way down to the waterfront area where the city's bars and clubs and all that are. All I really remember is stumbling down the street and trying to pick fights with uniformed Navy guys on liberty. People in Savannah are pussies. We abused these people shamelessly and they just took it. Four drunken Marines trying their best to start a fight and we got nothing. NOTHING. Oh well. At the end of the night after falling out of my buddy's truck a couple times I got "put" back in by my thick-necked friend and ended up passed out upside down. Another successful night.

Reading a couple new books:

James the Brother of Jesus by Robert Eisenmann
and for my Fiction fix I'm re-reading George R. R. Martin's 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series.

Can't really pass judgment on Eisenmann's book yet and I've heard mixed reviews (each side of the spectrum coming from fairly obvious parties) but Martin's writing is first rate, even if you're not a fantasy reader.

My Leave looks good for the 10th to the 26th of April. I'm planning on a week to a week and a half in Seattle and then the rest of the time allotted for visiting family and for travel.

Also: here is a funny flash video from ebaum. It will no doubt be old for all you salty internet warriors but for the rest of the world here.

Have a good weekend and bottoms up!

Monday, March 14, 2005

Because it Builds Character Dammit!

Being in the Marine Corps is alot like being a teenager. You get an allowance, you seldom have to make any important decions for yourself, the food sucks, all your medical and dental and housing bills are paid for you, and your "parents" love charecter building exercises.

For example: Most "newish" buildings on Mairne bases (seldom will you find an actual new building) have no-strip, no-wax decks (floors). These are installed so all you have to do is hot mop the bitch once and again and it will shine. Well the Mairne Corps and the Navy have long traditions of swabbing and buffing decks so, goddamnit, you're going to strip and wax those decks. Not because you have to but because its what Marines do. Of course this destroys the protective coat on the top of the decks and causes the glue to come up from the tile and make the entire thing look like ass. Not to mention the fact that within a few hours of being used they go to shit again anyway.

It's so bad I had a buddy back on Futenma that actually got a USMC tat with a Marine buffing a deck below it. He put this on his body, mind you. Christ. Ask any Lance Corporal, PFC or Private what skills he took away from his beloved Corps and he'll tell you that he's a badass motherfucking janitor. OORAH Marine Corps.

I have to be up in 5 hours to go for a PMO-wide moto-run at Parris Island and I'm way to tired for this stupid shit. Lo-Right-a-Lay-Uh.

Have a movie:
Full NC-17 Version of The Boondock Saints

Monday, March 07, 2005

PT, PT everyday

My weekend is over in 3 hours. I have to go to PT and then to work after that. I have Wendsday and Thursday off so if you want to get a hold of me that would be the time to do so.

I went to Savannah over the weekend: drunkenness ensued. I have some buddies that are really into clubbing. I, myself, am not a club person and would have been happy-as-could-be just rolling into a good pub and shooting the shit and downing pints until last call, but no. So we get in the first club, a place called hip huggers of all things, and my buddy and I find my other friends who are already sloppy. These fools are willing to grind on any female in this place which is pretty much filled with pathetic looking men and ugly, fat women. Oh god, the women. American women are so fucking FAT. I've been all over the world and just got back from a 13 month post in Okinawa and a 7 month tour in Africa (where NOBODY is fat) working with the French military. Now I'm back in the States where most of the girls are disgusting and all insist on wearing the most appalling clothes.

Of course you aren't allowed to call people fat anymore. They're "big" or "heavy" or "overweight". I call 'em fat. I used to be fat and I never asked anyone to pull punches with me. Being fat has become acceptable now. I say we sue fat people and make them make a "fat tax". They cost us exorbant amounts of money for health care amongst other things. People are suing tobacco companies and yet the NUMBER ONE cause of death in this country is heart disease. Because people want to sit around all day and feed their face and never get of their fat asses. I'm sick of fat America. Didn't this start out about clubbing? Oh well.

Hey Brian, this one's for you:

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Daily Porn vol.II

Cumshot collection vid:
Bwahahaha. "Better give me a big load after all that swimin' I've been doin!"

Tuesday off my ass!

I get off work Monday morning and my schedule says I get Monday and Tuesday off. Great. Once you read the fine print you find that Tuesday is filled with "training" when I get to go to work, "train" and PT all day long. So I get Monday off. Well Since I got off Monday morning from working all day and night I get half of Monday off. Despite what the schedule says. So in the end I don't really get Monday or Tuesday off do I?

Being an MP now is crazy. Ever since I got to that place I've made good impressions. People rely on me and entrust things to me. I guess they totally missed my "fuck you" attitude. Crazy. So now I'm on the other side of the fence, moving up in the world and busting my ass. The gods are laughing.