The Shit Can

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Meet your PC Slave Master

We got a "class" from our EEO rep for training day yesterday. The EEO is the Marine Corps' Equal Opportunity Officer. Or something like that; in this case a black, female Staff Sergeant. Whoo. Understand that 95% of the females in PMO are all in the back-office stapling things and performing other vital tasks instead of being on the road.

We all got to hear how "we" discriminate against females and don't give them the same opportunities as "we" give males and how (in addition) we are all rasict, bigots with no sensitivity for "other people" whatsoever. Or something like that, I'm not really sure the point she was driving at there at the end because I was trading Jew jokes with my Corporal in the back of the class. Any-who I got really agitated by her bullshit and called her out in front of everyone and made her llook like a dumb cunt. Because that's what I do.

Females demand "equal" treatment but they live by and thrive under an institutionalized double-standard. THe same double standard that keeps them in front of a Xerox also guarentees them promotion over males on a Board and givres them a bullshit PFT which enables them to, again, get promoted faster then their male peers, as well as increasing their chances of getting personal awards and citations. Bitches.


At 2:36 PM, Blogger Elinor said...

Your rant seems to have made her point rather than yours.

She talks about addressing racism while you're telling "jew jokes" at the back of the room.

She talks about women needing equal chances while you're calling her "cunt" and "bitch" because she made it before you.

Your attitude is probably what got her that job in the first place...

At 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

snap tom,

you got told by a person who reads harry potter and likes indigo girls. booo. :)

At 3:56 PM, Blogger Tom said...

Oh snap indeed. If they don't get it thats cool. Then again maybe I'm the one that doesn't get it.

How do you fit 1,000 Jews in a VW?

The ash tray. Oh snap!


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